The Guillon family (above) from France is currently being researched by Tim Woodward. The web site is off line at present - contact me if you want details. |
The Baker family from Sudbury and Burton on Trent, Staffs are direct ancestors and have been researched extensively. There is a Photo gallery available. See them Ready for war in 1914, and read about a Plane crash in 1945 that killed five members of the family. |
The Dawn family from Nottinghamshire, England, (1730-1962), are related to the Guillons by marriage. The page contains photographs of the graves of the main ancestors from Granby and Bingham, Nottinghamshire. There are descendants of the Dawn family living in Canada.
The Johnson family from Sowerby and Selby in Yorkshire are direct ancestors. |
Fred & Catherine Baker (nee Outram) were related to a family of Jeffery's in Longford, Alkmonton and Hungry Bentley, Derbyshire, and their history is included in the Outram family tree.
Catherine Baker almost sailed to America on the Titantic in 1912, but stayed behind as she was due to marry one of the Baker brothers. Read about how she missed the terrible ordeal that was the sinking of this great ship and how her employer's son, Tyrell Cavendish, drowned. |
Relations by marriage.
The names below are those of people who married into the Woodward line from the 1680s onwards. Click on the name to see their family tree.
Other William Woodwards
It has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt (from at least three different sources) that an Elizabeth Richards, born 1762 in Alcester, Warwickshire, is a direct ancestor. She married a William Woodward in Alcester in 1789 (The Alcester Woodwards). The problem has been trying to prove which William she married. In order to find out who her husband was it has been necessary to research all other possible Williams and hopefully, by a process of elimination, find the right one. This research has been extensive. See Other Williams for details.
Other Woodward families
A lot of information about other Woodward families from the same area has been gathered and formed into family trees. The trees below are in pdf format and can be downloaded if required. Click on the appropriate link below to see the specific family tree.
William Woodward & Elizabeth Biddle (Tanworth, Warwickshire 1696-1805 ) - In trying to identify the correct William Woodward, a William that married in Tanworth to an Elizabeth Biddle has been researched. A Biddle family tree was compiled and is available here. It may help if you are researching this name.
Thomas and Edward Woodward (Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, 1615-1800) - Master Stone Masons. This family has been researched in depth to see if they are related to the Alcester family of Woodwards. They had a house in Chipping Campden called 'Woodward House' and my Great Grandmother came from the town in the 1860s. Thomas and Edward made extensive repairs to Alcester Church and Quinton Church, both places where the Alcester Woodwards have links. The family cannot be linked specifically to the Alcester Woodwards, but if you are a Woodward from the Chipping Campden area or have Woodward relatives from the town or from Aston Sub Edge then this family tree may be of interest to you.
Thomas Woodward & Mary Oakley (Stratford on Avon, 1684-1830) - This family has been researched to see if there is any link to the Alcester Woodwards. Thomas and Mary are part of the larger Lower Quinton family mentioned below. They were married in Stratford on Avon in 1733 and had eight children. Mary came from Quinton, Gloucestershire (now in Warwickshire) and their eldest son, Thomas Woodward, married and had children in Clifford Chambers, Quinton and Stratford. The family tree may help someone who is looking for Stratford relatives from 1730-1800.
Richard Woodward (two) (Morton Bagot, Alcester and Tanworth, 1690-1870) - Two Richard Woodward families living in and around Morton Bagot in Warwickshire have been researched extensively. One married Mary Moor in Stratford on Avon, the other married Ann Hinton in Morton Bagot. They might be descended from the brother of Walter Woodward (Ricus) at Morton Bagot and/or from an Emmanuel Woodward from Throckmorton.
(Important Note: Morton Bagot Parish Records show the baptism of a Richard Woodward in 1700 to Robert & Ann. This would appear to be one of these two Richards. However, the Bishops Transcript for 1701 shows that the 1700 Richard died in Oct 1701. The transcript states him to be "Son of Robert & Ann". The death is NOT recorded in the parish records or on Ancestry or the IGI.)
William Woodward & Hannah (Stratford on Avon 1784-1809) -
This relates to a couple in Stratford on Avon who had seven children between 1784 and 1808. No marriage for this couple is recorded in Stratford. The only possible wedding is a William Woodward and Hannah Goode in Aston Cantlow in 1774 - they had a son William who died as an infant in 1775. There are no other children born to the couple in Aston Cantlow. It could be the same family who later moved to Stratford but there is a nine year gap before the first child is born in Stratford making it unlikely that it is the same couple.
Woodwards in Lower Quinton (Lower Quinton, Warwickshire 1590-1764) -
A fairly large family tree has been compiled from various sources.
Contact me if you are related to any of these families.